Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Projecting Alexandria Experiment 1

As part of this digitalisation experiment i've been working on, i've been making backgrounds onto which the pixel transformation could take place.

Here is my first attempt at projecting Alexandria into the Crescent Arts studios.

Liz's transformation could take place over it. More on this soon.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Digital Costumes

I've been making more masks and costumes today. I like the digital effect a lot. This 'pyramidization' of the body.

I am going to investigate what happens to you when you body becomes digitalised. It might help with the acting process in future re-enactments. 

This is a costume I made of Digital Liz. It still looks too scary though. Maybe it'll look better on someone. I'll do some experiments with it in the next few days and see.

Monday, 16 August 2010

Charity starts at home

What does that saying even mean? Just 'cause something is a saying (out of context) doesn't mean, like, its real, you know?

I dunno, i just seem to be hearing it alot at the moment. It came up again in the Daily Mail today-


Its a funny article. I like the bit where someone describes pakistan here:

'Superficially cosmopolitan - for their children typically study abroad and imitate foreign accents and customs - they are left with utter contempt for those who are less fortunate.

'Few show izzat, or respect, to the lowest who work in their kitchens, drive their cars or hawk trinkets to them in the markets.'

Few of the rich pay taxes. 'This is a system of the elite, by the elite and for the elite,' said a retired government official who worked in tax collection for 38 years.

Thats just capitalism intit? 

Anyway, i generally say give people money if they'll die otherwise, you know?

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Pyramid Studies

Given the apparent importance pyramids seem to be having going forward, I've decided to start a parallel blog called 'Pyramid Studies', where i will focus specifically on this subject. 


Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Digital Pyramids

Pyramids are pretty important i think. Structurally, they seem to be a blueprint for almost everything. I've been trying to draw ones for art, with like Hurst at the top and me and Helen near the bottom. Its free market stuff intit? 

Anyway, in making the Manda masks yesterday i noticed another (maybe more important) thing about pyramids. They work in the same way that digital pictures do, with lots of little blocks. And so now they aren't smooth, but have lots of little blocks that make curves and lines. (I know they were smoothed over at the time, but the point still stands)

So they're more than just blueprints for economics, they were a plan for the future construction of our world. Important indeed!

Here is a picture i made inadvertently by cutting out Manda's eye in a pixelated picture of her. 

Its called Digital Analogue Pyramid 1.

Monday, 9 August 2010


I've been making masks of Manda today, having finished editing the first meeting re-enactments. I think masks might be important going forward.


It does seem to look kinda scary though. I'm not sure if this is just in the way that all masks are scary, or this one in particular. I suppose its like people finding burkas scary, maybe? I dunno.

Anyway, these Manda masks will mean that i can start using boys to play Manda/Liz/Cleo, which i guess is what the play is about. 'and I shall see / Some squeaking Cleopatra boy' 5.2 219


My hair kinda ruins the suspension of the belief here though. I need a haircut.